Preschool & Kindergarten Registration


What are the requirements for preschool?

  • Incoming preschool students must be on or before August 1, 2025.

  • Preschool registration is only open to Howland residents. Space is limited. Therefore, acceptance will be based on the return of a COMPLETED registration packet.

  • Only the custodial parent/guardian may enroll a child into school.

When do I register my child for preschool?

  • Formal registration for preschool will open in April of 2025.

When is preschool offered?

  • The Howland Springs Preschool Program operates classes Monday-Friday.

Click the link below to begin the preschool registration process for the 2025-2026 school year.  After completing the online form, you will receive a registration packet in the mail.  It will contain all of the forms you need to register your student for preschool, along with instruction on how to complete the process.  Please follow the directions carefully to ensure a complete preschool enrollment.

The following are items needed for preschool registration (This list is intended to give you an idea of what will be needed once you receive your packet in the mail. Please see the detailed list inside the packet for further clarification.):

  1. Custodial Parent’s Driver’s License or State ID Card

  2. Child’s Certified Birth Certificate

  3. Child’s Social Security Card

  4. Child’s Immunization Record

  5. Custody Papers/Divorce Decree with court stamp and all signatures (if applicable)

  6. Proof of Residency - 2 forms (see below)



  • Mortgage statement, property tax bill or homeowner’s insurance cover letter AND

  • Current utility bill - gas, water or electric

  • Current dated signed lease AND

  • Current utility bill - gas, water or electric 


What are the requirements for kindergarten?

  • Incoming kindergarten students must be 5 on or before August 1, 2025. 

  • Kindergarten registration is only open to Howland residents.

  • Only the custodial parent/guardian may enroll a child into school.

When do I register my child for preschool and kindergarten?

  • Formal registration for kindergarten will open in April of 2025.

Click the link below to begin the kindergarten registration process for the 2025-2026 school year.  After completing the online form, you will receive a registration packet in the mail.  It will contain all of the forms you need to register your student for kindergarten, along with instruction on how to complete the process.  Please follow the directions carefully to ensure a complete kindergarten enrollment.

The KINDERGARTEN registration process will open in April.

The following are items needed for kindergarten registration (This list is intended to give you an idea of what will be needed once you receive your packet in the mail. Please see the detailed list inside the packet for further clarification.):

  1. Custodial Parent’s Driver’s License or State ID Card

  2. Child’s Certified Birth Certificate

  3. Child’s Social Security Card

  4. Child’s Immunization Record

  5. Custody Papers/Divorce Decree with court stamp and all signatures (if applicable)

  6. Proof of Residency - 2 forms (see below)



  • Mortgage statement, property tax bill or homeowner’s insurance cover letter AND

  • Current utility bill - gas, water or electric

  • Current dated signed lease AND

  • Current utility bill - gas, water or electric